понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Identity issues has been a vital conversational topic among the literature cohort, due to Paper 5apos;s theme of identity. I think the inner conflict all boils down to this:

Can I establish a unique identity of my own that is not imposed by society?
Why does one feel such a sense of disconnection from their environment?

Oddly enough, I think Iapos;ve found the answer through GP and History.

Globalisation is much more than economic integration and access to different cultures. How much have we been influenced by the Western culture? Particularly in Singapore, I feel that the traditional Asian cultures are slowly fading away, itapos;s significance to be replaced by the Westapos;s moral values and pop culture. Already we see a rise in people not staying with their parents as they start working, the rejection of traditonal chinese rituals (also due to religious conversions) and so on. Bottom line is, we are exposed totally to western influence, and are made to believe that the ideals they hold, are the wholesome way to live life.

No wonder Singaporeans cannot be bothered to say the pledge during morning assembly. There is simply no sense of connection and belonging to this nation they are made to call home. This is the result of being such an open economy. You want the people to love where they are right now, but you show them that the grass is greener on the other side. Whether or not that is true, it holds little importance because the people here (esp our generation) is made to believe that is the truth.

"The government is practicing propaganda" many would whine. "So restrictive", because they compare it to countries like, I dunno, US? Democracy is afterall, not a perfect system, as Winston Chruchill once proclaimed. (itapos;s just that he didnapos;t know a better one, haha)

Yeah sure. Look where apos;pureapos; democracy brought them today. The proposed 700 billion dollar bail out just screams lapsing into socialism.

Okay fine, letapos;s look at the alternative. How about lapsing totally in Marxism? Establishing a communist state?
I mean, look at North Korea and China (soon enough we can wipe the latter off the list). Did you see how the North Koreans mourned for Kim Ill Sung when he died? That is like pure devotion The people shared such a strong sense of belonging, I cannot help but wonder if communism is all that bad. They may be closed off from the world and such, but would the people there suffer idenity problems such as those in Singapore? Do they even know they have idenitiy issues?

Does it even matter? If you donapos;t know them, isnapos;t it as good as non-existent?

But of course, communism is a failed system. Nobody wants that anymore,except a selected few (or one, I donapos;t know). Itapos;s been proven.

But it just does to show that whatever system we adopt, questioning itapos;s legibility is inevitable. Does a right way to govern, to live really exist? Is there, a Truth at all?

Well I for one know whatapos;s my Truth. Who also happens to be the light and the way ;)
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